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fleetwood mac getty images 1977 credit richard creamer

Fleetwood Mac‘s seminal 1977 album ‘Rumours’ has re-entered the top 10 of the Billboard 200 after 42 years thanks to recent surge in popularity.

The album jumped from #13 to #7 this week, following its newfound popularity after Nathan Apodaca – otherwise known as 420doggface208 – posted his viral TikTok seen around the world of him longboarding while listening to ‘Dreams’ and drinking cranberry juice.

This news comes the week after ‘Dreams’ re-entered the Billboard 100 at #21, with that number is likely to rise this week given this recent jump for ‘Rumours’.

‘Rumours’ had originally spent a staggering 31 weeks at #1 on the Billboard 200 across 1977 and 1978, which remains a record for an album by a duo or a band.

The album was last in the top 10 on the week of February 18 in 1978, and hasn’t hit #7 since the week prior to that.

The viral video has garnered so much attention that members of Fleetwood Mac have delivered their own renditions of it. Mick Fleetwood joined TikTok with a recreation of the video, while Stevie Nicks offered her own interpretation with roller skates and singing the hit herself.

Fleetwood actually surprised Apodaca in a recent interview with BBC, telling the internet star, “We owe you.”

“It’s such a celebration of everything,” Fleetwood said, “I’ve heard you talking about it, and it’s so joyous and fun.”

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