Rainbow Six Siege peeking

Players of Rainbow Six Siege in Japan are complaining that the game is being overtaken with what they call ‘AFK bouncers’.

The PS4 version of the Ubisoft game is specifically experiencing the problem according to Eurogamer, as the button mapping in Japan allows for a Renown (the games currency) exploit.

Essentially, as the circle button on the Japanese PS4 version is both confirm and crouch, players can enter a match and repeatedly crouch while off doing other things. Since crouching counts as in-game activity, this doesn’t kick these players either.

This means that players can join games and stay in them as long as their controller continually presses circle (likely from a mod), thus rewarding them with Renown. But since they ‘bounce up and down’ while away from the game, they’ve been dubbed ‘AFK bouncers’.

The video below seemingly shows the tactic in action, as four players all bounce up and down on the spot (which admittedly looks ridiculous).

The Renown currency these players are cheating for can be used to unlock operators, weapons, and weapon skins in Rainbow Six Siege. Typically, players gain around 200 plus Renown per game, with somewhere between 400 and 500 for ranked games.

For perspective, operators less than a year old cost 25,000 Renown (600 credits/$5). If the operator is between one and two years old it costs 20,000 Renown (480 credits/$4), while if it’s between two and three it costs 15,000 Renown (360 credits/$3). Finally, if an operator drops to its lowest tier price, it costs 10,000 Renown (240 credits/$2).

That means if players earn 400 Renown from ranked matches, they need to play 25 matches to get operators at their lowest price, or 63 matches at their highest.

In other news, Tidus from Final Fantasy 10 was almost a plumber instead of a Blitzball player, according to a recent Famitsu interview.

The post ‘Rainbow Six Siege’ has an ‘AFK bouncers’ cheating problem in Japan appeared first on NME.


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