Activision Blizzard has patched the World of Warcraft Sanctum Of Domination raid during the race for world’s first, which removed a frontrunner’s strategy mid-fight.

World Of Warcraft‘s Shadowlands expansion features The Sanctum Of Domination raid, which has been available for nearly seven days. There are five prominent clans competing to clear it on mythic difficulty, as the race for world’s first is the most competitive aspect of any raid release.

One clan, called Echo, has good chance of winning the race; however, its strategy was broken by a hotfix. The change was deployed by Blizzard last night and altered the mechanics of the final fight mid-run.

Icy Veins user Stan has explained the change saying that Echo was using a strategy where player Noawh would solo tank one of the spawned enemies. This would allow the entire raid to focus on damaging final boss Sylvanas when possible.

Echo was using this to get Sylvanus below 45 per cent before her enrage activated and she became extremely powerful. However, during one of their runs, the spawned enemy had its own enrage timer. Now when Sylvanus became damageable, the spawned enemy would instantly down the tank, completely ruining Echoes strategy.

A clip on Twitch shows the moment Echo realise a patch had just undone their plans, with one player saying, “that’s a fucking sabotage at this point”.

Competitors stream World Of Warcraft’s race to world’s first through Twitch. Recently, World Of Warcraft: Classic experienced renewed interest on Twitch following the release of Blizzard’s Burning Crusade expansion.

Hours watched on Twitch increased by 56 per cent for World Of Warcraft in June. The game’s most popular streamer Zack “Asmongold”, had their hours grow 53 per cent, putting them in the 10 most-watched Twitch streamer for June this year.

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